admin 管理员组

文章数量: 888526



  1. 关系型数据库
    mysql 3306
    sql server 1433
    postgress 5432
    oracle 1521

  2. 非关系型数据库(NOSQL数据库)
    mongDB 27017
    redis 6379
    memcached 11211


  • 介绍数据库:
  • sql语句:
  • 1、数据库(database):
    • (1)创建数据库(creat)
    • (2) 删除数据库(drop)
    • (3)查看数据库(select)
    • (4)切换数据库(use)
    • (5)显示库中所有表(show)
    • (6)查看创建库的语句(show)
  • 2、表单(table)
    • (1) 创建基本的表(create)
    • (2) 修改表(alter table)
    • (3) 修改表中字段(update ... set)
    • (4)添加(insert into ... values)
    • (5) 删除表(drop )
    • (6) 删除表中数据(delete from)
    • (7) 单表查询(select)


  1. 数据库定义语句DDL
    基本操作:creat drop alter
  2. 数据库操作语句DML
    基本操作: insert delete update select
  3. 数据库控制语句DCL
    基本操作:commit grant rollback recoke



create database 库名;
例1: create database test2;
例2: create database test1 default chartest=utf-8;

(2) 删除数据库(drop)

drop database test2


select database();


use 库名;


show tables;
show database;(查看所有库)


show create database 库名;

1、 可以使用数字、字母和下划线,但是不能使用纯数字;
2、 库名具有唯一性;
3、 不能使用特殊字符和MySQL关键字


(1) 创建基本的表(create)


create   table  student(id int ,name varchar(22),age  int ,birthday date
  • 自增长(auto_increment)
    create table student1(
    id int(10) auto_increment ,
    name varchar(22)
  • not null约束
    create table student(
    id int ,
    age int not null
  • 主键约束
    create table student(
    id int(10) ,
    birthday date not null,
    PRIMARY key(id)
  • 外键约束
    create table score(
    id int(10) PRIMARY key auto_increment,
    u_id int(10),
    foreign key (u_id) references student(id)
  • 默认值约束
    create table student(
    id int(10) ,
    name varchar(22) DEFAULT ‘北京’,
    PRIMARY key(id)
  • 唯一约束
    create table student(
    id int (10) PRIMARY key auto_increment,
    name VARCHAR(8) UNIQUE
  • 显示创建的表结构
    desc student;

CREATE table student(id int(10) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,name VARCHAR(20) not null,sex CHAR,birthday date,department VARCHAR(20) not NULL,address VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '北京'foreign key (sex) references score(s_sex) 

(2) 修改表(alter table)


  • 添加列
    基本形式: alter table 表名 add 列名 列数据类型 [after 插入位置];
    alter table student add name char(20);
  • 修改列
    基本形式:alter table 表名 change 旧列名称 新列名称 新列数据类型;
    alter table student change name name char(20);
    alter table student change name name char(20) not null;
  • 删除列
    基本形式:alter table 表名 drop 列名称;
    alter table student drop name;

(3) 修改表中字段(update … set)

基本形式:update 表名 set 某个值
update stuent set sex=‘女’;
update student set sex=‘男’ where id =2;

– 把2018-08-08出生的学生的年龄+1岁
update student set age=age+1 where birthday=‘2011-09-09’
– 把编号为大于10的,年龄在20-30 的地址都改为,上海
update student set address=‘上海’ where id>10 and age>=20 and age<=30

(4)添加(insert into … values)

基本形式:insert into 表名 values();

  • 整行插入
    insert into student(name,sex) values(‘张珊’,‘男’);
    insert into student values(3,‘里斯’,20,‘男’,‘2011-09-09’,‘北京沙河’);
  • 部分插入
    insert into student(name,age,sex) values(‘王五’,25,‘男’);
  • 多行插入
    insert into student(name,age,sex) values(‘小翟1’,25,‘男’),(‘小翟2’,25,‘男’),(‘小翟3’,25,‘男’);
    多行插入 数据在其他表中 A—>B
    insert into student(name,sex) select name,sex from test;

(5) 删除表(drop )

  • drop 数据+表结构
    drop table student

(6) 删除表中数据(delete from)

  • 删除表中所有数据
    delete from student
  • 删除指定数据
    delete from student where id=6;
    delete from student where id>6;
    delete from student where id>6 and sex=‘女’;
    delete from student where sex=‘男’ and age<=18 and age>=1;
    删除 性别为null 的学生信息
    delete from student where sex is null;
    delete from student where sex=’’;

(7) 单表查询(select)

  • 查询全部数据
    select * from student;
    select name,age from student;

  • 查询区间
    select * from student where age>=20 and age<=30;
    select * from student where age between 21 and 25;

  • 查询某个值
    select * from student where id=2;
    select * from student where id=2 or id=3;
    select * from student where id in(1,222,300);

  • 模糊查询
    select * from student where sex=‘女’ and name like ‘张%’

  • 去重复(distinct)查询
    select distinct address from student;

  • 排序(order by)
    select * from student order by age asc;
    select * from student order by id desc;

  • where order by
    select * from student where sex=‘女’ order by age asc;

本文标签: sql语句(基本)