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ojdbc6中的错误信息(中英) 【转】
ojdbc6中的错误信息(中英) 2009年09月11日 星期五 09:50
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORA-17001=内部错误 ORA-17002=Io 异常 ORA-17003=无效的列索引 ORA-17004=无效的列类型 ORA-17005=不支持的列类型 ORA-17006=列名无效 ORA-17007=无效的动态列 ORA-17008=关闭的连接 ORA-17012=参数类型冲突 ORA-17014=未调用 ORA-17015=语句被取消 ORA-17016=语句超时 ORA-17017=已初始化游标 ORA-17018=无效的游标 ORA-17019=只能描述查询 ORA-17020=无效的行预取 ORA-17021=定义丢失 ORA-17022=在索引处定义丢失 ORA-17023=不支持的特性 ORA-17024=未读取数据 ORA-17025=defines.isNull () 中出现错误 ORA-17026=数字溢出 ORA-17027=流已被关闭 ORA-17028=直到关闭当前的 ResultSet 才能进行新的定义 ORA-17029=setReadOnly: 不支持只读连接 ORA-17030=仅 READ_COMMITTED 和 SERIALIZABLE 是有效的事务处理级 ORA-17031=setAutoClose: 仅支持自动关闭模式打开的情况 ORA-17032=行预取不能设置为零 ORA-17034=出现不支持的 SQL92 标记 ORA-17035=不支持的字符集 !! ORA-17036=OracleNumber 中的异常 ORA-17037=不能在 UTF8 和 UCS2 之间转换 ORA-17038=字节数组不够长 ORA-17039=Char 数组不够长 ORA-17040=必须在连接 URL 中指定子协议 ORA-17041=索引中丢失 IN 或 OUT 参数: ORA-17042=无效的批值 ORA-17043=流的最大长度无效 ORA-17044=内部错误: 未分配数据数组 ORA-17045=内部错误: 试图访问批值之外的绑定值 ORA-17046=内部错误: 数据访问的索引无效 ORA-17047=语法分析类型描述符时出错 ORA-17048=未定义的类型 ORA-17049=不一致的 java 和 sql 对象类型 ORA-17051=此 API 不能用于非 UDT 类型 ORA-17052=此 ref 无效 ORA-17053=长度无效 ORA-17054=LOB 定位器无效 ORA-17055=遇到无效字符, 在 ORA-17056=不支持的字符集 (在类路径中添加 orai18n.jar) ORA-17057=关闭的 LOB ORA-17059=无法转换为内部表示 ORA-17063=不在事务处理中 ORA-17064=无效的语法或数据库名为空 ORA-17065=转换类为空 ORA-17066=访问层需要具体实施 ORA-17067=指定了无效的 Oracle URL ORA-17068=调用中的无效参数 ORA-17069=使用明确的 XA 调用 ORA-17070=数据大小超出此类型的最大值 ORA-17071=超出 VARRAY 的最大限制 ORA-17072=对列来说插入的值太大 ORA-17074=无效的名称模式 ORA-17075=对只转发结果集的无效操作 ORA-17076=对只读结果集的无效操作 ORA-17077=无法设置 REF 值 ORA-17078=无法进行该操作, 因为连接已打开 ORA-17079=用户身份证明与现有身份证明不匹配 ORA-17080=无效的批处理命令 ORA-17081=批处理中出现错误 ORA-17082=没有当前行 ORA-17083=不在插入行上 ORA-17084=访问插入行 ORA-17085=出现值冲突 ORA-17086=插入行上的未定义列值 ORA-17087=可忽略的执行提示: setFetchDirection() ORA-17088=请求的结果类型和并发级别的语法不受支持 ORA-17089=内部错误 ORA-17090=不允许的操作 ORA-17091=在所请求的类型和 (或) 并发级别无法创建结果集 ORA-17092=无法在调用处理操作结束时创建或执行 JDBC 语句 ORA-17093=OCI 操作返回 OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ORA-17094=对象类型版本不匹配 ORA-17095=语句高速缓存大小未作设置 ORA-17096=不能为此逻辑连接启用语句高速缓存。 ORA-17097=PL/SQL 索引表的元素类型无效 ORA-17098=空二进制大对象操作无效 ORA-17099=PL/SQL 索引表数组长度无效 ORA-17100=数据库 Java 对象无效 ORA-17101=OCI 连接池对象中的属性无效 ORA-17102=Bfile 为只读 ORA-17103=通过 getConnection 返回的连接类型无效。改用 getJavaSqlConnection ORA-17104=要执行的 SQL 语句不得为空白或空值 ORA-17105=未设置连接会话时区 ORA-17106=指定的 JDBC-OCI 驱动程序连接池配置无效 ORA-17107=指定的代理类型无效 ORA-17108=没有在 defineColumnType 中指定最大长度 ORA-17109=找不到标准 Java 字符编码 ORA-17110=执行完毕, 但带有警告 ORA-17111=指定的连接高速缓存 TTL 超时时间溢出 ORA-17112=指定的线程时间间隔无效 ORA-17113=线程时间间隔值大于高速缓存超时值 ORA-17114=无法在全局事务处理中使用本地事务处理提交 ORA-17115=无法在全局事务处理中使用本地事务处理回退 ORA-17116=无法在活动的全局事务处理中启用自动提交功能 ORA-17117=无法在活动的全局事务处理中设置保存点 ORA-17118=无法获取已命名保存点的 ID ORA-17119=无法获取未命名保存点的名称 ORA-17120=无法设置启用了自动提交功能的保存点 ORA-17121=无法回退到启用了自动提交功能的保存点 ORA-17122=无法回退到启用了自动提交功能的保存点 ORA-17123=指定的语句高速缓存大小无效 ORA-17124=指定的连接高速缓存失活超时时间无效 ORA-17125=显式高速缓存返回了不正确的语句类型 ORA-17126=固定等待超时时间已过 ORA-17127=指定的固定等待超时时间无效 ORA-17128=SQL 字符串不是查询 ORA-17129=SQL 字符串不是 DML 语句 ORA-17132=请求的转换无效 ORA-17133=UNUSED ORA-17134=SQL 中命名参数的长度超过 32 个字符 ORA-17135=setXXXStream 中使用的参数名在 SQL 中出现多次 ORA-17136=格式错误的 DATALINK URL, 请尝试使用 getString() ORA-17137=连接高速缓存未启用, 或者不是启用高速缓存的有效数据源 ORA-17138=连接高速缓存名称无效。必须是有效的字符串并且是唯一的 ORA-17139=连接高速缓存属性无效 ORA-17140=具有此高速缓存名称的连接高速缓存已存在 ORA-17141=具有此高速缓存名称的连接高速缓存不存在 ORA-17142=具有此高速缓存名称的连接高速缓存已禁用 ORA-17143=在连接高速缓存中找到的连接无效或已过时 ORA-17144=未执行语句句柄 ORA-17145=接收到的 ONS 事件无效 ORA-17146=接收到的 ONS 事件版本无效 ORA-17147=试图设置未出现在 SQL 中的参数名 ORA-17148=方法仅在 Thin 中实施 ORA-17149=这已经是代理会话 ORA-17150=代码会话的参数错误 ORA-17151=Clob 太大, 无法存储在 Java 字符串中 ORA-17152=此方法仅在逻辑连接中实施 ORA-17153=此方法仅在物理连接中实施 ORA-17154=无法将 Oracle 字符映射为 Unicode ORA-17155=无法将 Unicode 映射为 Oracle 字符 ORA-17156=数组大小对于端对端的度量值无效 ORA-17157=setString 只能处理少于 32766 个字符的字符串 ORA-17158=持续时间对该函数无效 ORA-17159=要执行端对端跟踪的度量值太长 ORA-17160=执行上下文 ID 序列号超出范围 ORA-17161=使用的交易模式无效 ORA-17162=不支持的 holdability 值 ORA-17163=无法在启用连接高速缓存时使用 getXAConnection() ORA-17164=无法在启用了高速缓存的情况下从物理连接调用 getXAResource() ORA-17165=服务器中不存在此连接的 PRIVATE_JDBC 包 ORA-17166=无法对 PLSQL 语句执行提取 ORA-17167=找不到 PKI 类。要使用 'connect /' 功能, oraclepki.jar 必须位于类路径中 ORA-17168=密钥存储遇到问题。请在出现打开的 Wallet (cwallet.sso) 时检查 Wallet 的位置并使用 mkstore 实用程序确保此 Wallet 包含正确的身份证明 ORA-17169=无法将流绑定到 ScrollableResultSet 或 UpdatableResultSet ORA-17170=名称空间不能为空 ORA-17171=属性长度不能超过 30 个字符 ORA-17172=属性的值不能超过 400 个字符 ORA-17173=并非所有返回参数都已注册 ORA-17174=唯一受支持的名称空间是 CLIENTCONTEXT ORA-17175=远程 ONS 配置期间出错 ORA-17176=无法识别区域设置 ORA-17177=对象不使用请求的接口包装任何内容 ORA-17178=ANYTYPE pickler 失败 ORA-17179=KOTAD 中的幻数不匹配 ORA-17180=KOTAD 中的格式错误 ORA-17181=字符转换器一般错误 ORA-17182=字符转换器溢出错误 ORA-17183=字符转换器不可用错误 - 请与 Oracle 技术支持联系 ORA-17184=创建 NCLOB 时使用了不正确的形式 ORA-17185=连接属性的默认值缺失 ORA-17186=连接属性的访问模式缺失 ORA-17187=用于存储连接属性的实例变量的类型不受支持 ORA-17188=在连接属性的反映过程中出现 IllegalAccessException ORA-17189=用于存储连接属性的实例变量缺失 ORA-17190=连接属性: 格式错误 ORA-17191=无效的提交选项 ORA-17192=在已释放 LOB 上的操作 ORA-17193=无效的 AQ 消息格式 ORA-17194=标记和重设不受此类的支持 ORA-17195=标记无效或未设置 ORA-17196=预读时的限制太大 ORA-17197=参数名的数目与已注册参数的数目不匹配 ORA-17198=未设置数据库会话时区 ORA-17199=不支持数据库会话时区 ############################################################# ORA-17200=无法正确地将 XA 打开字符串从 Java 转换成 C ORA-17201=无法正确地将 XA 关闭字符串从 Java 转换成 C ORA-17202=无法正确地将 RM 名称从 Java 转换成 C ORA-17203=无法将指针类型强制转换成 jlong ORA-17204=输入数组过短, 无法容纳 OCI 句柄 ORA-17205=无法使用 xaoSvcCtx 从 C-XA 获取 OCISvcCtx 句柄 ORA-17206=无法使用 xaoEnv 从 C-XA 获取 OCIEnv 句柄 ORA-17207=未在数据源中设置 tnsEntry 属性 ORA-17213=C-XA 在 xa_open 期间返回 XAER_RMERR ORA-17215=C-XA 在 xa_open 期间返回 XAER_INVAL ORA-17216=C-XA 在 xa_open 期间返回 XAER_PROTO ORA-17233=C-XA 在 xa_close 期间返回 XAER_RMERR ORA-17235=C-XA 在 xa_close 期间返回 XAER_INVAL ORA-17236=C-XA 在 xa_close 期间返回 XAER_PROTO ORA-17240=无法检索本地主机 IP 地址。出现 UnknownHostException。 ORA-17241=无法检索本地主机 IP 地址。出现 SecurityException。 ORA-17242=对选项中指定的 TCP 端口进行语法分析时出错。 ORA-17243=对选项中指定的 TIMEOUT 值进行语法分析时出错。 ORA-17244=对选项中指定的 CHANGELAG 值进行语法分析时出错。 ORA-17245=尝试删除的注册使用的不是当前连接到的数据库实例。 ORA-17246=监听程序不能为空值。 ORA-17247=尝试将监听程序附加到在 JDBC 驱动程序之外创建的注册。 ORA-17248=监听程序已经注册。 ORA-17249=因为监听程序没有注册, 所以无法删除它。 ORA-17250=TCP 端口已经使用。 ORA-17251=注册已关闭。 ORA-17252=有效负载类型无效或未定义。 ORA-17253=名称对于 clientInfo 来说无效或不受支持。 ORA-17254=内存不足, 无法分配请求的内存大小 ORA-17255=快速连接故障转移一旦启用就无法禁用 ORA-17256=此实例属性不可用。 ############################################################# ORA-17300=无法通过数据源进行连接 ORA-17301=一个或多个验证 RowSet 属性未设置 ORA-17302=RowSet 连接未打开 ORA-17303=此 JdbcRowSet 实施不允许显示已删除的行 ORA-17304=SyncProvider 实例未构造 ORA-17305=ResultSet 未打开 ORA-17306=RowSet 类型为 TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE 时, 无法应用提取方向 ORA-17307=RowSet 类型为 TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY 时, 无法应用 FETCH_REVERSE ORA-17308=提取方向非法 ORA-17309=RowSet 没有启用写入 ORA-17310=参数索引无效 ORA-17311=将列转换为流类型时出错 ORA-17312=无法将列转换为流类型 ORA-17313=行位置无效, 请先尝试调用下一行/上一行 ORA-17314=操作对于类型为 TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY 的 RowSet 无效 ORA-17315=未更改任何行 ORA-17316=toCollection() 中的映射操作失败 ORA-17317=未插入该行 ORA-17318=未删除该行 ORA-17319=未更新该行 ORA-17320=行中的列没有全部设置 ORA-17321=将读进程转换为字符串时出错 ORA-17322=无法读取流 ORA-17323=无效的参数类型 ORA-17324=无效的键列数 ORA-17325=无效的页大小 ORA-17326=尝试将已插入行标记为原始行 ORA-17327=调用 insertRow 之前对此行的操作无效 ORA-17328=基础 ResultSet 不支持此操作 ORA-17329=不预先执行分页操作就无法调用此操作 ORA-17330=指定的行参数的数目无效 ORA-17331=起始位置不应为负数 ORA-17332=提供的用于置入的 ResultSet 为空值 ORA-17333=在此位置开始置入的行太少 ORA-17334=没有设置匹配列索引 ORA-17335=没有设置匹配列名 ORA-17336=匹配列索引无效 ORA-17337=匹配列名无效 ORA-17338=无法设置匹配列索引 ORA-17339=无法设置匹配列名 ORA-17340=尚未设置要取消设置的列索引 ORA-17341=尚未设置要取消设置的列名 ORA-17342=无法获取连接 ORA-17343=无法对 SQL 字符串进行语法分析以获得表名。 ORA-17344=RowSet 滚动类型不正确 ORA-17345=该对象不满足过滤标准 ORA-17346=SerialBlob 构造器 ORA-17347=SerialClob 构造器 ORA-17348=错误, 无法复制对象的副本 ORA-17349=创建对象副本时出错 ORA-17350=空 RowSet 参数无效 ORA-17351=该参数不是 RowSet 实例 ORA-17352=联接类型不受支持 ORA-17353=行集中元素的数目不等于匹配列数 ORA-17354=尚不支持第三方 RowSet 联接 ORA-17355=读进程无效 ORA-17356=写进程无效 ORA-17357=值错误; 属性不可为空值 ORA-17358=值错误; 元数据不可为空值 ORA-17359=无效的 WebRowSet 参数 # ^ ^ ^ ^
ORA-17401=违反协议 ORA-17403=只期望得到一个 RXH 消息 ORA-17404=收到超过预期的 RXD ORA-17405=UAC 长度不为零 ORA-17406=超出缓冲区的最大长度 ORA-17407=无效的类型表示 (setRep) ORA-17408=无效的类型表示 (getRep) ORA-17409=无效的缓冲区长度 ORA-17410=无法从套接字读取更多的数据 ORA-17411=数据类型表示不匹配 ORA-17412=类型长度大于最大值 ORA-17413=超出关键字大小 ORA-17414=缓冲区容量不足以存储列名 ORA-17415=尚未处理此类型 ORA-17416=FATAL ORA-17417=NLS 问题, 无法对列名进行解码 ORA-17418=内部结构的字段长度错误 ORA-17419=返回的列数无效 ORA-17420=未定义 Oracle 版本 ORA-17421=未定义类型或连接 ORA-17422=工厂中的无效类 ORA-17423=在未定义 IOV 的情况下使用 PLSQL 块 ORA-17424=尝试不同的编组操作 ORA-17425=返回 PLSQL 块中的流 ORA-17426=IN 和 OUT 的绑定均为 NULL ORA-17427=使用未初始化的 OAC ORA-17428=连接后必须调用登录 ORA-17429=必须至少与服务器连接 ORA-17430=必须登录到服务器 ORA-17431=要分析的 SQL 语句为空 ORA-17432=all7 中的无效选项 ORA-17433=调用中无效的参数 ORA-17434=不在流模式下 ORA-17435=IOV 中无效的 in_out_binds 个数 ORA-17436=无效的 outbinds 数 ORA-17437=PLSQL 块 IN/OUT 参数中出现错误 ORA-17438=内部 - 不期望的值 ORA-17439=无效的 SQL 类型 ORA-17440=DBItem/DBType 为空 ORA-17441=不支持的 Oracle 版本。支持的最低版本为 7.2.3。 ORA-17442=Refcursor 值无效 ORA-17444=不支持从服务器接收到的 TTC 协议版本 ORA-17445=LOB 已在同一个事务处理中打开 ORA-17446=LOB 已在同一个事务处理中关闭 ORA-17447=OALL8 处于不一致状态 ORA-17448=事务处理目前正在使用中 # DiagnosibilityMBeanDescription=控制 Oracle JDBC 驱动程序的诊断功能。 DiagnosibilityMBeanConstructor()=Oracle JDBC Diagnosability MBean 的零参数构造器 DiagnosibilityMBeanLoggingEnabledDescription=所有 Oracle JDBC 事件记录代码均由此布尔型属性控制。如果该属性为“假”, 将不生成任何日志消息。如果该属性为“真”, 日志消息将由 java.util.logging 级别和过滤器控制。 DiagnosibilityMBeanStateManageableDescription=Oracle JDBC 驱动程序无法启动和停止。始终返回“假”。 DiagnosibilityMBeanStatisticsProviderDescription=Oracle JDBC 驱动程序并不通过 Diagnosability MBean 提供统计信息。 # ^ ^ ^ ^
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORA-17001=Internal Error ORA-17002=Io exception ORA-17003=Invalid column index ORA-17004=Invalid column type ORA-17005=Unsupported column type ORA-17006=Invalid column name ORA-17007=Invalid dynamic column ORA-17008=Closed Connection ORA-17012=Parameter Type Conflict was not called ORA-17015=Statement was cancelled ORA-17016=Statement timed out ORA-17017=Cursor already initialized ORA-17018=Invalid cursor ORA-17019=Can only describe a query ORA-17020=Invalid row prefetch ORA-17021=Missing defines ORA-17022=Missing defines at index ORA-17023=Unsupported feature ORA-17024=No data read ORA-17025=Error in defines.isNull () ORA-17026=Numeric Overflow ORA-17027=Stream has already been closed ORA-17028=Can not do new defines until the current ResultSet is closed ORA-17029=setReadOnly: Read-only connections not supported ORA-17030=READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE are the only valid transaction levels ORA-17031=setAutoClose: Only support auto close mode on ORA-17032=cannot set row prefetch to zero ORA-17034=Non supported SQL92 token at position ORA-17035=Character Set Not Supported !! ORA-17036=exception in OracleNumber ORA-17037=Fail to convert between UTF8 and UCS2 ORA-17038=Byte array not long enough ORA-17039=Char array not long enough ORA-17040=Sub Protocol must be specified in connection URL ORA-17041=Missing IN or OUT parameter at index: ORA-17042=Invalid Batch Value ORA-17043=Invalid stream maximum size ORA-17044=Internal error: Data array not allocated ORA-17045=Internal error: Attempt to access bind values beyond the batch value ORA-17046=Internal error: Invalid index for data access ORA-17047=Error in Type Descriptor parse ORA-17048=Undefined type ORA-17049=Inconsistent java and sql object types ORA-17051=This API cannot be be used for non-UDT types ORA-17052=This ref is not valid ORA-17053=The size is not valid ORA-17054=The LOB locator is not valid ORA-17055=Invalid character encountered in ORA-17056=Non supported character set (add orai18n.jar in your classpath) ORA-17057=Closed LOB ORA-17059=Fail to convert to internal representation ORA-17063=Not in a transaction ORA-17064=Invalid Sytnax or Database name is null ORA-17065=Conversion class is null ORA-17066=Access layer specific implementation needed ORA-17067=Invalid Oracle URL specified ORA-17068=Invalid argument(s) in call ORA-17069=Use explicit XA call ORA-17070=Data size bigger than max size for this type ORA-17071=Exceeded maximum VARRAY limit ORA-17072=Inserted value too large for column ORA-17074=invalid name pattern ORA-17075=Invalid operation for forward only resultset ORA-17076=Invalid operation for read only resultset ORA-17077=Fail to set REF value ORA-17078=Cannot do the operation as connections are already opened ORA-17079=User credentials doesn't match the existing ones ORA-17080=invalid batch command ORA-17081=error occurred during batching ORA-17082=No current row ORA-17083=Not on the insert row ORA-17084=Called on the insert row ORA-17085=Value conflicts occurs ORA-17086=Undefined column value on the insert row ORA-17087=Ignored performance hint: setFetchDirection() ORA-17088=Unsupported syntax for requested resultset type and concurrency level ORA-17089=internal error ORA-17090=operation not allowed ORA-17091=Unable to create resultset at the requested type and/or concurrency level ORA-17092=JDBC statements cannot be created or executed at end of call processing ORA-17093=OCI operation returned OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ORA-17094=Object type version mismatched ORA-17095=Statement cache size has not been set ORA-17096=Statement Caching cannot be enabled for this logical connection. ORA-17097=Invalid PL/SQL Index Table element type ORA-17098=Invalid empty lob operation ORA-17099=Invalid PL/SQL Index Table array length ORA-17100=Invalid database Java Object ORA-17101=Invalid properties in OCI Connection Pool Object ORA-17102=Bfile is read only ORA-17103=invalid connection type to return via getConnection. Use getJavaSqlConnection instead ORA-17104=SQL statement to execute cannot be empty or null ORA-17105=connection session time zone was not set ORA-17106=invalid JDBC-OCI driver connection pool configuration specified ORA-17107=invalid proxy type specified ORA-17108=No max length specified in defineColumnType ORA-17109=standard Java character encoding not found ORA-17110=execution completed with warning ORA-17111=Invalid connection cache TTL timeout specified ORA-17112=Invalid thread interval specified ORA-17113=Thread interval value is more than the cache timeout value ORA-17114=could not use local transaction commit in a global transaction ORA-17115=could not use local transaction rollback in a global transaction ORA-17116=could not turn on auto-commit in an active global transaction ORA-17117=could not set savepoint in an active global transaction ORA-17118=could not obtain ID for a named Savepoint ORA-17119=could not obtain name for an un-named Savepoint ORA-17120=could not set a Savepoint with auto-commit on ORA-17121=could not rollback to a Savepoint with auto-commit on ORA-17122=could not rollback to a local txn Savepoint in a global transaction ORA-17123=Invalid statement cache size specified ORA-17124=Invalid connection cache Inactivity timeout specified ORA-17125=Improper statement type returned by explicit cache ORA-17126=Fixed Wait timeout elapsed ORA-17127=Invalid Fixed Wait timeout specified ORA-17128=SQL string is not Query ORA-17129=SQL string is not a DML Statement ORA-17132=Invalid conversion requested ORA-17133=UNUSED ORA-17134=Length of named parameter in SQL exceeded 32 characters ORA-17135=Parameter name used in setXXXStream appears more than once in SQL ORA-17136=Malformed DATALINK URL, try getString() instead ORA-17137=Connection Caching Not Enabled or Not a Valid Cache Enabled DataSource ORA-17138=Invalid Connection Cache Name. Must be a valid String and Unique ORA-17139=Invalid Connection Cache Properties ORA-17140=Connection Cache with this Cache Name already exists ORA-17141=Connection Cache with this Cache Name does not exist ORA-17142=Connection Cache with this Cache Name is Disabled ORA-17143=Invalid or Stale Connection found in the Connection Cache ORA-17144=statement handle not executed ORA-17145=Invalid ONS Event received ORA-17146=Invalid ONS Event Version received ORA-17147=Attempt to set a parameter name that does not occur in the SQL ORA-17148=Method only implemented in thin ORA-17149=This is already a proxy session ORA-17150=Wrong arguments for proxy session ORA-17151=Clob is too large to be stored in a Java String ORA-17152=This method is only implemented in logical connections ORA-17153=This method is only implemented in physical connections ORA-17154=Cannot map Oracle character to Unicode ORA-17155=Cannot map Unicode to Oracle character ORA-17156=Invalid array size for End-to-End metrics values ORA-17157=setString can only process strings of less than 32766 chararacters ORA-17158=duration is invalid for this function ORA-17159=metric value for end-to-end tracing is too long ORA-17160=execution context id sequence number out of range ORA-17161=Invalid transaction mode used ORA-17162=Unsupported holdability value ORA-17163=Can not use getXAConnection() when connection caching is enabled ORA-17164=Can not call getXAResource() from physical connection with caching on ORA-17165=PRIVATE_JDBC package not present in server for this connection ORA-17166=Cannot perform fetch on a PLSQL statement ORA-17167=PKI classes not found. To use 'connect /' functionality, oraclepki.jar must be in the classpath ORA-17168=encountered a problem with the Secret Store. Check the wallet location for the presence of an open wallet (cwallet.sso) and ensure that this wallet contains the correct credentials using the mkstore utility ORA-17169=Cannot bind stream to a ScrollableResultSet or UpdatableResultSet ORA-17170=The Namespace cannot be empty ORA-17171=The attribute length cannot exceed 30 chars ORA-17172=That value of the attribute cannot exceed 400 chars ORA-17173=Not all return parameters registered ORA-17174=The only supported namespace is CLIENTCONTEXT ORA-17175=Error during remote ONS configuration ORA-17176=Locale not recognized ORA-17177=Object does not wrap anything with requested interface ORA-17178=ANYTYPE pickler failed ORA-17179=Magic number mismatch in KOTAD ORA-17180=Format error in KOTAD ORA-17181=Character converter general error ORA-17182=Character converter overrun error ORA-17183=Character converter impossible error -- contact Oracle Support ORA-17184=Incorrect form of use to create NCLOB ORA-17185=The default value of the connection property is missing ORA-17186=The access mode of the connection property is missing ORA-17187=The type of the instance variable used to store the connection property isn't supported ORA-17188=Got an IllegalAccessException during reflection on the connection properties ORA-17189=The instance variable to store the connection property is missing ORA-17190=Connection property: format error ORA-17191=Invalid commit options ORA-17192=Operation on freed LOB ORA-17193=Invalid AQ message format ORA-17194=Mark and reset are not supported by this class ORA-17195=Mark invalid or not set ORA-17196=The limit on the readahead is too big ORA-17197=The number of parameter names does not match the number of registered praremeters ORA-17198=The database session time zone is not set ORA-17199=The database session time zone is not supported ############################################################# ORA-17200=Unable to properly convert XA open string from Java to C ORA-17201=Unable to properly convert XA close string from Java to C ORA-17202=Unable to properly convert RM name from Java to C ORA-17203=Could not casting pointer type to jlong ORA-17204=Input array too short to hold OCI handles ORA-17205=Failed to obtain OCISvcCtx handle from C-XA using xaoSvcCtx ORA-17206=Failed to obtain OCIEnv handle from C-XA using xaoEnv ORA-17207=The tnsEntry property was not set in DataSource ORA-17213=C-XA returned XAER_RMERR during xa_open ORA-17215=C-XA returned XAER_INVAL during xa_open ORA-17216=C-XA returned XAER_PROTO during xa_open ORA-17233=C-XA returned XAER_RMERR during xa_close ORA-17235=C-XA returned XAER_INVAL during xa_close ORA-17236=C-XA returned XAER_PROTO during xa_close ORA-17240=couldn't retrieve localhost IP address. Got an UnknownHostException. ORA-17241=couldn't retrieve localhost IP address. Got a SecurityException. ORA-17242=error while parsing the TCP port specified in the options. ORA-17243=error while parsing the TIMEOUT value specified in the options. ORA-17244=error while parsing the CHANGELAG value specified in the options. ORA-17245=an attempt was made to delete a registration that is using a different database instance than the one currently connected to. ORA-17246=the listener cannot be null. ORA-17247=an attempt was made to attach a listener to a registration that was created outside of the JDBC driver. ORA-17248=listener is already registered. ORA-17249=couldn't remove the listener because it is not registered. ORA-17250=TCP PORT already is use. ORA-17251=Closed registration. ORA-17252=Invalid or undefined payload type. ORA-17253=Invalid or unsupported name for clientInfo. ORA-17254=Out Of Memory, Not able to allocate requested memory size ORA-17255=Fast Connection Failover once enabled cannot be disabled ORA-17256=This instance property isn't available. ############################################################# ORA-17300=Unable to connect through the DataSource ORA-17301=One or more of the authenticating RowSet properties not set ORA-17302=RowSet connection not open ORA-17303=This JdbcRowSet implementation does not allow deleted rows to be visible ORA-17304=SyncProvider instance not constructed ORA-17305=ResultSet not open ORA-17306=Fetch direction cannot be applied when RowSet type is TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE ORA-17307=FETCH_REVERSE cannot be applied when RowSet type is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ORA-17308=Illegal fetch direction ORA-17309=The RowSet is not write enabled ORA-17310=Invalid parameter index ORA-17311=Error when converting column to stream type ORA-17312=Could not convert the column into a stream type ORA-17313=Invalid row position, try calling next/previous first ORA-17314=Invalid operation for RowSet type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ORA-17315=None of the rows are changed ORA-17316=Map operation failed in toCollection() ORA-17317=The row is not inserted ORA-17318=The row is not deleted ORA-17319=The row is not updated ORA-17320=Not all columns of the row are set ORA-17321=Error converting Reader to String ORA-17322=Could not read from the stream ORA-17323=Invalid parameter type ORA-17324=Invalid number of key columns ORA-17325=Invalid page size ORA-17326=Trying to mark an inserted row as original ORA-17327=Invalid operation on this row before insertRow is called ORA-17328=The underlying ResultSet does not support this operation ORA-17329=This operation can not be called without previous paging operations ORA-17330=Invalid number of row parameter specified ORA-17331=The start position should not be negative ORA-17332=Null ResultSet supplied to populate ORA-17333=Too few rows to start populating at this position ORA-17334=No match column indexes were set ORA-17335=No match column names were set ORA-17336=Invalid match column index ORA-17337=Invalid match column name ORA-17338=The match column index could not be set ORA-17339=The match column name could not be set ORA-17340=The column index being unset has not been set ORA-17341=The column name being unset has not been set ORA-17342=Could not obtain connection ORA-17343=Could not parse the SQL String to get the table name. ORA-17344=Incorrect RowSet scroll type ORA-17345=The object does not satisfy filtering criterion ORA-17346=SerialBlob constructor ORA-17347=SerialClob constructor ORA-17348=Error, could not reproduce the copy of the object ORA-17349=Error while creating an object copy ORA-17350=Invalid empty RowSet parameter ORA-17351=The parameter is not a RowSet instance ORA-17352=Join type is not supported ORA-17353=Number of elements in rowsets is not equal to match columns ORA-17354=Third-party RowSet Join not yet supported ORA-17355=Invalid reader ORA-17356=Invalid writer ORA-17357=Bad value; non-nullable property ORA-17358=Bad value; non-nullable metadata ORA-17359=Invalid WebRowSet argument # ^ ^ ^ ^
ORA-17401=Protocol violation ORA-17403=Only one RXH message is expected ORA-17404=Received more RXDs than expected ORA-17405=UAC length is not zero ORA-17406=Exceeding maximum buffer length ORA-17407=invalid Type Representation(setRep) ORA-17408=invalid Type Representation(getRep) ORA-17409=invalid buffer length ORA-17410=No more data to read from socket ORA-17411=Data Type representations mismatch ORA-17412=Bigger type length than Maximum ORA-17413=Exceding key size ORA-17414=Insufficient Buffer size to store Columns Names ORA-17415=This type hasn't been handled ORA-17416=FATAL ORA-17417=NLS Problem, failed to decode column names ORA-17418=Internal structure's field length error ORA-17419=Invalid number of columns returned ORA-17420=Oracle Version not defined ORA-17421=Types or Connection not defined ORA-17422=Invalid class in factory ORA-17423=Using a PLSQL block without an IOV defined ORA-17424=Attempting different marshaling operation ORA-17425=Returning a stream in PLSQL block ORA-17426=Both IN and OUT binds are NULL ORA-17427=Using Uninitialized OAC ORA-17428=Logon must be called after connect ORA-17429=Must be at least connected to server ORA-17430=Must be logged on to server ORA-17431=SQL Statement to parse is null ORA-17432=invalid options in all7 ORA-17433=invalid arguments in call ORA-17434=not in streaming mode ORA-17435=invalid number of in_out_binds in IOV ORA-17436=invalid number of outbinds ORA-17437=Error in PLSQL block IN/OUT argument(s) ORA-17438=Internal - Unexpected value ORA-17439=Invalid SQL type ORA-17440=DBItem/DBType is null ORA-17441=Oracle Version not supported. Minimum supported version is 7.2.3. ORA-17442=Refcursor value is invalid ORA-17444=TTC Protocol version received from server not supported ORA-17445=LOB already opened in the same transaction ORA-17446=LOB already closed in the same transaction ORA-17447=OALL8 is in an inconsistent state ORA-17448=transaction is currently in use # DiagnosibilityMBeanDescription=Controls the diagnosibilty features of the Oracle JDBC drivers. DiagnosibilityMBeanConstructor()=The zero arg constructor for the Oracle JDBC Diagnosibility MBean DiagnosibilityMBeanLoggingEnabledDescription=All Oracle JDBC logging code is controlled by this boolean attribute. If false, no log messages will be produced. If true, log messages will be controlled by java.util.logging Levels and Filters. DiagnosibilityMBeanStateManageableDescription=The Oracle JDBC drivers cannot be started and stopped. Always returns false. DiagnosibilityMBeanStatisticsProviderDescription=The Oracle JDBC drivers do not provide statistics via the Diagnosibility MBean. # ^ ^ ^ ^ |
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