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摘 要 :阐迷了FIR数字浦波器的窗a数设计方法,并利用Matlab语言实现了浦波器的设计与仿真。Matlab语言可以



关 健 询 :FIR;数字滤波器;窗a数;Matlab

中 图 分 类号:TN911 文献标识码:B 文童偏号:1004一373X(2007)17一047一02

De sig n o fM atlabB asedo nF IR DigitalF ilter

RU X ia oy an ,S H IL in g

(COlleze d Enzineerina Technolopy,Yunnen A.6-11.i Uni- itr,Kunmi一650201,Chi..)

Abs tra ct :Th isp aperel aboratest heF IR digitalfi ltersw indowsf unctiond esignm ethod,an dr ealizest hef ilterd esigna nd

simulation byu singt heM atlabl anguage.T hisL anguagec and esignt hes trictl inearp haseF IR system convenientlya ndq uickly,

al soi tc ans avem anyp rogrammingt ime,en hancest hep rogramminge fficiency,an dt hep arameterr evisioni sa lsoc onvenient.

We believe that the Matlab language can play an important role in the digital filter technology with the improvement of edition

enhancement unceasingly.

Ke yw or ds:F IR;digitalf ilter;w indowsf unction;M atlab

2008-5-9 00:08 上传


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本文标签: fir数字滤波器MATLAB设计 基于FIR数字滤波器的Matlab设计